Thursday, December 7, 2017

Living Landscape

Our last project(and definitely most unique) had to do with creating a landscape out of human body parts. When first introduced to the project by our professor I was a bit nervous since it sounds ridiculous. We were shown examples and thats when my ideas started to come to life and I was able to understand how body parts can be warped and recolored to look like items in nature. See the project below. ( The big mountain is someones stomach and the fence is made from fingers and tibias. Tree stump is a forearm and the clouds are muscle tissue)


    For the 7th project I used photoshop to colorize a black and white photo. I primarily used the brush tool which was very tedious but I found it to work better than the magic crop tool or lasso tool. Watching the colors come together was very interesting since the entire photo just comes to life all the sudden. I took guesses as to what colors to use for the background items and buildings. I think my biggest flaw was the skin tone since it looks a bit oompa loompa-ish.

Cut and Paste

In our 6th project we moved on to photoshop. Our first photoshop project required us to crop out similar images and create a 15 image or more collage. This was definitely tedious since sometimes photoshop could not automatically crop the edges of an image requiring me to do it by hand. As you can see the object I chose was cars. The top priority with this project was to make sure no white background was showing. Take a look!

Self Portrait Painting

The 5th and most rewarding project in my opinion was the Self Portrait painting. This is practically the same thing as project 4 yet we had to use a different self portrait photo and instead of using words, we painted. Painting over the face was much easier than the calligram but also looked more interesting since it had a sense of realism to it. If you squint your eyes a bit, it actually looks like a selfie.


For our 4th project we did a calligram of our face. A calligram is when you take an image and use words blended in a fashion to create the shape of the image. By using different colors and warping the words I was able to match it to features on my face. This was definitely the project I struggled with most especially since I did not finish in time. Below you can see (sadly) my incomplete work. As you can see I started the top half of my head getting some of the hair, forehead, eyes, and eyebrows.

Logos / Characters

For the 3rd project we moved on from Dreamweaver to Adobe Illustrator. The project involved turning a JPEG pixel based image into an image which was Vector Based. Vector based images can be blown up to whichever size you want since it is vectors and lines not pixels.This project was pretty straightforward since we could draw over the original JPEG image yet it was still very time consuming and used uniqued drawing tools. See the finished product below!

Canvas Landscape

For our second project in Digital media we used HTML code to create shapes again. This time it was more difficult since our shapes had to create some sort of landscape. We were required to use certain techniques or methods when creating shapes such as bezier curves, different types of corners for borders, and include at least one human, circle, and flower. The hardest part about this project was creating the flower since i was artistically challenged as you can see for yourself.

Canvas Exercise

For our first project we used Adobe Dreamweaver in order to create simple shapes using HTML code. Even though I have always found learning HTML code difficult since it is a complex language, this project was definitely the most enjoyable. For reasons unknown I find coding to be very satisfying and the finished product is well worth the time spent. For the Canvas Exercise project everyone in the class had to make three different sized rectangles and triangles with unique colors and borders. See my project below!